Wednesday, May 5, 2010


andrew keen i still find to be a very hypocritical man that just wanted to find something to argue about. i understand that everything that you can find on the web has kind of desensitized us from our knowledge and made the definition of expertise non-existent. however, he uses all of this material. the "solutions" that he proposed to help make the internet more efficient and accurate; i find will not work. the one where he wants to create a site where experts can go on and help correct the information posted; i don't believe will work. anybody can say i'm in expert in this subject or i'm an expert in this subject. either way nobody is necessarily an expert anymore just because of what the internet has become. even if he made this site happen, i do not believe that i would still trust it. who is to say who posted that information is an expert? i don't know the person personally to where i can look up different references and so on. overall, i don't think andrew keen's ideas for his "solutions" will work.

kevin kelly

to a certain extent i understood how he was talking about eventually the computer will become more powerful than the human mind. which in a sense reminds me of the terminator movies where the computer's start to realize they can operate on their own. In a way that doesn't seem all that off because of how everything is becoming computerized. For example: there are cars that can now do parallel parking for you which is operated by a computer and air planes are usually controlled by computers and the pilot only lands and takes-off the plane. So in a way i understood what he was trying to say but he was kind of confusing when he tried to explain his reasoning's.